There we were, arguing about how she spelled her name in the middle of a Starbucks while visiting downtown Seattle, WA. Having been said, this particular petty squabble took place a measly four days after our elegant rustic-esque wedding. During the fight on whether she spelled her name Ale or Allie, thankfully I remembered a wonderful bit of marriage advice I had been bestowed upon by my grandmother, “the first week of your marriage, will determine and set in place your entire lives.” Being newlywed, I’m not sure if this statement is entirely true or not yet, but it most definitely enabled me to promptly cease the silly battle at Starbucks. From that day forth I have been making my every effort to pick and choose my battles. Marriage is a difficult and worthwhile experience, but every unfairness is not worth going to war over. I used to believe that not going to bed angry at a spouse, is the best piece of wisdom I have ever received. We would attempt to fix any problem that arose at that very moment. If I upset her for any reason, she would let me know immediately and we would usually argue about it for a while and then calmly discuss it afterwards. I would do the same for her if I ever felt she was unfair to me or hurt my feelings in any way. I do still believe that this technique is worthwhile and should be practiced, but only in small quantities. Sometimes a wrongdoing cannot and should not be talked about straightaway, maybe it would be better to sleep on it and go over it another day when we are both thinking more clearly. On that note, it is a known fact between the two of us that the later in the night it gets, the crankier and moodier we both seem to become. Thus, if we were to bring up something that had been bothering us all day, it could in turn be the worst possible decision and just cause a seriously unnecessary clash. An idea which I have been contemplating mentioning to my wife about is something I have given the