
High School and College Education

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College Education In todays world, the rising cost of education is a topic of large concern. As tuition prices continue to grow at a faster rate than housing prices and average hourly wages, it is becoming more difficult for average American families to afford to go to college. This means that the cost of higher education has been rising much faster than a familys ability to pay for it. So whenever students attend college who do not have the money will have to apply for Government loans and grants. Whenever they graduated from college, students come out with massive amounts of debt due the cost to that school. Therefore some people wonder to themselves if college is really worth all the money. Is it really fair to these hardworking Americans to come out of college with all this debt? It is extremely unfair to these people that these college prices are so high. We know the solutions to rising cost of higher education and it is time that we do something about it to lower them. College prices will only continue to rise and it is unethical to people who will receive these hardships of the unbelievably high costs to get a education. Opposing Arguments At a public university the average yearly cost of a fouryear education is $16,700. The statistic of an average annual income differential between those with a college degree versus those with a high school education is 17,500. Overtime the number will increase more and more. 1 ?With that being said, going to college for a minimum of four years and then working for four years education will pay for itself. There is no greater financial investment in ones future than a college degree. In todays job economy, more companies require college degrees than not. During the recession between 2007 and 2010 jobs that required college education increased to 190,000. The number of jobs that required just a 2year associates degree decreased by 1.75 million and the specific jobs that only required a high school degree decreased by 5.6 million (Trombley). From these statistics, it is shown that more and more jobs are requiring higher education to be apart of their firm. It doesnt mean that not having a college degree cant land you a job but having that degree gives you a better chance in the workforce. With having a high paying college degree the employment opportunities are higher than not having one. In April of 2013, the unemployment rate for college students of the age of 25 or older with the minimum of a bachelor's degree was 3.6%. For high school graduates the unemployment rate was 7.5%. Lastly the rate of unemployment for high school dropouts is 11.4% and rising. Students who graduate college have a more likely chance of earning training that is formal or informal. These group of students have a better knowing of different types of technology acquired over the years, al

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