
Advertisement - Ecovia: Stop the Violence, Drive Safe

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The Ecovia: Stop the Violence ad from December 2012 displays an image of a woman with a red car painted on her cheek; the background is depicted with a black, gray mid-tone. To the right of the woman appears to be a male’s forearm with a blue car painted on the male’s fist. The image portrays the male striking the woman’s chin in an uppercut motion. As the male fist is striking the woman, the image of the red car on the woman’s face and the image of the blue car on the male’s fist depicts a head-on collision of the two painted vehicles. Below this scene are the words, “Stop the Violence, Drive Safe”, and an Ecovia logo in the lower right hand corner of the ad. The woman appears to be wearing a green hoodie and a hoop earring is seen in her ear. The woman’s hair is blown back from what appears to be the force of the punch from the males’ fist. This advertisement uses logos, ethos, and pathos to inform viewers of the importance of driving safely and possibly make them aware of the issue. The ad effectively uses logos to give viewers an image or an idea of the consequences of distractive driving in a creative tone. The intended audience for this advertisement would be best targeted at drivers between the ages of 16 to mid 30s. The ad depiction of the woman being punched indicates the force of an actual car collision. The text “Stop the Violence” is defined by the image as reasoning to prevent car accidents and to clear all distractions when driving. Ecovia used this method successfully with its Stop the Violence campaign that not only included this image, but similar images to this as well. Each scene had a different text such as “don’t speed”, “don’t drink and drive”, and “overtake with care”. Logos was used effectively, for example, if a user were to see this image or other images similar to this on a billboard as they were driving, it would definitely capture the attention their attention and make

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