Nancy Spinelli October 30, 2014 History of Religion 120 Research Paper Many religions are created based people's belief in a God. However, not many religions base themselves off of the Son of who they call God or Allah, in this case. Christianity and Islam are similar in that both believe in Jesus' holiness. However, Islam differs from Christianity because they do not believe in Jesus' divinity. Islam and Christianity both believe in Jesus' holiness. Islam believes that Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary. "Islam declares the holiness of Mary, the mother of Jesus. No Muslim can doubt the decency and purity of Mary. She, according to the Qur'an, had been the most noble among the women of the nations. (Chirri, "Where Islam and Christianity Agree and Differ on Jesus"). Islam also, also believe that Jesus spoke the word of Allah as he was Holy. That he was a prophet and that he could perform miracles. "One day the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) was going through the street which was narrow and winding. He came across a man who was blind and dumb. The Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) decided to show mercy to him because he was kind-hearted. He put his hand on the shoulder of the man. The blind man opened his eyes and Allah restored his eye sight. Moreover he was endowed with the power of talking. He expressed a deep sense of gratitude for the kindness shown by the Prophet Isa (peace be upon him). This miracle impressed the spectators and they began to follow the teachings of Allah. ("PROPHET Jesus (ISA) (peace be upon him)"). Islam believed that Jesus did speak the word of the Lord Allah and that he was an Apostle. "Belief in all of the Prophets and Messengers of God is a fundamental article of faith in Islam. Thus, believing in Prophets Adam, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon them) is a requirement for anyone who calls him or herself a Muslim. ("The Islamic and