The discovery of a new world peaked the interest of people all around the world not including the rumors they heard of treasures such as gold and silver. These settlers of the new world soon began to realize that things would be more difficult than many of them could ever imagine. Mother Nature, Indians, and starvation began to steadily decrease the population until remedies were found to make these settlements thrive. Among the first places for settlers to try and colonize was the Chesapeake. The Chesapeake, however, did not prove to be an easy place to settle. Life was very hard and typically very short in the Chesapeake bay area due harsh conditions, heavy labor, and outbreaks of conflict with the Indian tribes. The new world brought natural disasters and climate that the European settlers were not used to and many perished because of it. The Indian tribes of America would not easily give up their land either, which led to many brutal battles and conflicts with the new colonies who were greatly outnumbered but better advanced. Indian tribes, such as the famous Powhatan tribe that Pocahontas belonged to, waged war with the invaders of their lands and would sometimes kill whole colonies. Whenever colonists were killed they were not replaced for quite a while because hardly any women came to the new world which meant to children. This would cause them to wait months or longer for ships to bring back more men and supplies so that they could have a chance to survive. Sometimes, like at Roanoke, there was nobody for those ships to return to. The lack of families and the prevalence of new diseases made it difficult for some to recover since they usually didn't have people to care for them like their family would. Eventually the new settlers learned how to live and later, flourish. Once the population of European settlers grew it made things much easier to deal with because they had numbers to replace those that are lost and hav