Is it possible to have privacy in the digital era? I believe it would be possible but would take years to develop; a lot of people would benefit and feel safer using the internet or mobile device. Making the digital era actually private would change a lot of things. A lot of company's gain from people's privacy and use it for several different reasons. In Alessandro Acquisti speech "Why Privacy Matters and Craig Mundie Article "Privacy Pragmatism they both speak on privacy in the digital era. My definition of privacy would be a state of being alone where you are not bothered or having any public attention towards you. The definition of privacy is the state or conditions of being alone, or free from public attention, as a matter of choice or right, seclusion; and freedom from interfere or infusion. I don't think this definition is compatible with the digital era. Reasons why I believe that it's not compatible because nothing on the internet is private. With the internet your location could be found easily along with some of your personal information. In Acquisti speech he mentions how he was able to find personal data through facial recognitions he says "start from face a face and, using facial recognition, find a name publicly available information about that name and that person, from that publicly available information infer non-publicly available information . This shows that just taking a picture and posting it online people like employers, private economist, cops or someone that really wants it are able to find information on you could find it through a picture. The way I protect my privacy through social networks would be by making my profiles private. Reasons why I do that is because it makes me feel that most of my information is protected. But even putting your profile on private they could still be seen with privacy on or off. Which makes me wonder what's the point of making profiles private if they still could be a