At age 11 not many people would say girls are on a boys mind, but for me it wasnt just girls that I was interested in, it was Vanessa Alistor, Brown skinned, curly haired, and athletic girl that I was interested in. When I first saw her I couldnt decide between the thought of marriage or was she just a gift that god brought down for me. During lunch Id have a certain table Id sit at with a couple of my friends, wed talk about the struggles of not having a dollar to go to the store after school, and get candy or an Arizona. But that day at lunch it was different, I was determined to get recognized by Vanessa. Call it a crush, or call it an addiction who knew what it was all I know is that this girl had me sprung. I moved to a table that was closer to hers and made sure I wore that shirt that my grandmother got me for my 10th birthday. During my lunch period I decided to go on line while she went also in hopes, that shed smell the cologne I borrowed from my dad the day before. As I am on line to get my lunch, she gets her lunch before me, and stands by the end of the metal bar separating the lunch tables from the lunch line. My heart began to race, not knowing if she wants me to come say something to her. By the way she stood upright with a slight slouch, showed me that it was possible that she wanted me to approach her. As I was about to make my move; she signals a friend that was standing behind me at the time. As embarrassing as that may have been for me I was still determined to get the girl of my dream. Coming into class the next day, I witness Vanessa sitting alone because she decided to come into class a little early to cover some work that had to be done; that day I got dropped off at school a little earlier to catch up on the work that I missed. In class it was me, Vanessa, and 3 other students, I decided to talk to her about the work that we had to do, and wanted to see if shed need any assistance from me since I was pretty go