
Limits on Corporate Profit and Income of Top Management

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In today’s economy, corporate companies control quite a bit of the money flow and can make things change in the economy with a bat of their eye. It is scary to think that there are people that have this kind of power in the world and it can be bad. The limits that society can place on these corporations are the number of companies they can own, the amount of profit they can make, and the amount of money these top management people are getting. With this corporations can be controlled for the better and not take over everything in the economy. By limiting the number of companies a corporation can get this can help monopolies from popping up. When a company controls large amounts of specific things they can really cause some damage to the economy. They can increase prices of certain things in relation to other products that can then make those other products sell well. For example they can buy out all the different companies that produce soap and then increase al the prices of soap so that no matter what you have to buy soap at these high prices. Monopolies are bad things to have and controlling them is a very good idea for a healthy economy. Limiting the profits of these companies is another good idea for a healthy economy. When one corporation gets the majority of the income in a certain industry it can cause an inequality. Also all this money is going to these large companies who can make their products for cheap in china and then sell them for a huge markup isn’t benefiting other people at all. Instead of charging ridiculous amounts of money for these cheap products some of this money should be going to places or people that actually need it. Another way this could possibly be done is to tax these big companies. A final idea to help regulate corporations is to limit executive compensation. The people that run these big companies are all driven by greed. If their compensation was limited to a certain number no matter

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