
The Problem with American Schools

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America has been on top of the world for decades. We are one of the world's super country, other nations look at America and sees the advancement that we have achieved throughout the years. The movies, music, and television series that is made in America is broadcasted around the world and is watched and admired by others, this is the power of America. Americans are the trend setter because it is regarded as the number one nation in the world. People in other countries want to be in America because they think that life is easy and they can give their children a better future if they are in America. But America is not the same as what it has been back then. The futures of American children are uncertain because of the failing school system that everyone thinks is superior to other countries. Public schools are failing because of lack of resources that hold backs the students in the institution and in turn destroying the student's future. There are many great schools in this country, schools that teach their students the tools that are needed to succeed in life, schools that give their students a fighting chance in the real world but there are more schools in America that are struggling to help their students. These schools are in bad shape because of lack of funding from the government. Without the help of the government these schools cannot rise up to be a good school instead they plummet and labeled as a bad school. It is true that you can't judge a book by its cover because there might be something beautiful deep inside but when it comes to schools it is safe to say that appearance says it all. In Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol it states "The school is next door, in a former roller-skating rink. No sign identifies the building as a school. A metal awning supports a flagpole, but there is no flag (104). You can tell the school is in bad shape just be taking a good look at it. The more the ragged and patchy the school looks the more it is certain that the school is suffering from lack of funding from the government. It means that the schools are missing in resources to fix the school then it is certain that they are lacking in resources in helping their students. If they cannot even fix the school then how can they set up new classrooms or hire more teachers so they can assist the students. Also these types of schools attract teachers that have lost their passion for their career or teachers that have given up on teaching because of bad condition in the classrooms. Mix all these conditions and you have a failing school. It is not the schools fault that they cannot help their students because with no help from the government they can only do so much. Schools that are in lacking funds and resources will have a hard time teaching the students and helping them understand the courses. Students in this type of environment will not learn anything and will be thrown into the real world without the knowledge that they need to succeed. In Savage Inequalities by Jonathan Kozol its states "I visit four classes taking places within another undivided space. The room has a low ceiling. Again no windows (105). The students in these classes will not learn anything because of the type of environment. The information that the teachers are trying to give to the students will not be heard because of overlapping voices from the teachers and the noise from the four classes. These circumstances force the students to fail and destroying their future in the process. The school gets blamed but in reality they try everything in their power to help their students. Schools in this situation works hard to give the students high quality education but sometimes working hard is not enough, sometimes you need funding. So no matter how hard a teacher tries to send and make the student understand the topics in class it is impossible if they don't have the materials to further their learning. Tennyson High in Hayward is a great example of a school that is struggling because of no funding. There are many other factors of why Tennyson is struggling but having little funding is why it cannot go up in the school rankings and why it cannot help its students to pass. According to Tennyson High is scoring 627 API which is 173 less from the statewide goal of 800 API. API or Academic Performance Index is a number assigned to schools by the department of education to determine the overall school performance and improvement on statewide testing. To look at it in simple terms schools that have high APIs get more funding while Low test scores gives less. Because of the low scores that Tennyson High got it received less funding than the school that are scoring higher than them leaving them with few resources to help their students. If they receive little funding because of the low test scores then they will not have the resources to help the teachers to teach more thoroughly and help their students so they can get a high

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