Video games are a multibillion dollar industry that sells to such a wide variety of people in this world. One of video game’s largest audience is children for the simple reason that children love games. Children of our time are growing up in a huge technology era, and this means that they are drawn to video games. Because of how much better video games have progressed, and how popular video games have become, children are playing video games now more than ever. The only problem with children loving video games so much is violent video games not being hard for children to get a hold of. Violent video games are a huge problem for children, not to mention children should not have access to them. Children are getting access to these games so easily. The parents of the children that play these violent video games rarely pay attention to the Entertainment Software of Rating Board rating of video games. These children are building aggressive behavior each time they play these violent video games, and it needs to come to an end. Children of the present day are learning so much more than necessary from violent video games. The truth of the matter is that they are learning aggression without really noticing. Most of the children that play violent video games like to play with other people around the world and are constantly hearing cursing among other things, the children should not be hearing. This type of environment for children is dangerous psychologically to their health. As early as 1983, Geoffrey and Elizabeth Loftus, in their book Mind at Play: The Psychology of Video Games, warned about the dangers violent video games would entail: “Although we can never be sure in any individual case, a substantial body of evidence indicates that viewing excessive violence on the screen is associated with aggression and violent behavior among children and teenagers” (98). At that time video games were not even a big industry compared to what it has become. Geoffrey and Elizabeth prophesized violent behavior as a result of playing violent video games happening long before it truly did. In addition, playing violent video games affects psyc