Rang de Basanti is an Indian movie was released in 2006 and globally it was released on 26 January 2006, the republic day of India. It was written and directed by Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra. The film is about British documentary. A British filmmaker came to Indian named sue to make a documentary on Indian freedom fighters which was based on her grandfather diary who was a former officer of the British Indian Army. A British filmmaker Sue arrives to India with the help of her Indian friend Sonia. They both start working on documentary and took auditions to select characters for the documentary but they were all unsuccessful. At the then Sue finally cast Sonia's friends to portray the revolutionaries. First those four friends of Sonia; Daljit "DJ , Karan Singhania, Aslam Khan, and Sukhi Ram refuse to do acting in a film but later Sue successfully manages to convince them all and later a political party activist Laxman Paney joins the cast. They started acting on the film and realizing that their own lives are quite similar to the characters they portray in Sue's film. While film was in the process Ajay Singh Rathod, flight lieutenant in the Indian Air Force who is Sonia's fiancé was killed in jet crashes. Sonia, Ajays' mother and his entire friend started protest and ask for the freedom. They hold a candlelight rally at India Gate. The peaceful rally is cruelly disrupted by the paid off police. The friends forget about their lives and take matters into their own hands. They hijack the headquarters off All India Radio to broadcast the truth about their pilot friend and the shocking truth about India's Defence Minister Murder. This act cost them their lives but this act encourages whole youth around the country, freedom fighter were being salute by whole nation. After the death of Freedom Fighters, youth across the nation stands for freedom and change in their country and system. Youth took a step forward stands and start holding rallie