?Abstract Absenteeism is a perennial problem of all teachers. Every curriculum year, it is one of the problems that they have to contend to. It is not only the teachers who are concerned with this problem but the school administrators as well. This action research examined the absenteeism of the Grade VI students of Ibaan Central School for the school year 2013-2014. When they were in Grade V, they were the class which has the most number of absentees every day. This was gathered from the data contained in the daily attendance record being passed around and kept by the teacher-leader’s office everyday and is regularly filled up by the teachers in each grade level for the whole year. Now that they are in Grade VI, some of them are still frequent absentees. It is for this reason that this research was undertaken. It has the end in view of understanding and correcting such undesirable pupil behaviour. Based on the findings, methods/strategies were recommended to minimize, if not eradicate absenteeism or truancy. The researcher derived conclusion considering all the factors/categories cited, the top 10 reasons of student absenteeism are as follows: Flu/fever, Stomach-ache, Toothache, Diarrhea, Headache, I can’t concentrate on my studies, Our classroom is hot and uncomfortable, I didn’t wake up early, I didn’t study/ make my assignment the night before, It's noisy inside our classroom, and I got fond playing computer games. I. Introduction The success of the school in carrying out its primary charge of educating and socializing pupils is contingent on pupils attending school regularly. In recognition of the importance of regular school attendance to quality education, attendance becomes a priority goal (At-Risk Youth in Crisis Handbook, 2008). Educators have long emphasized the importance of class attendance. Only in the classroom may the pupils hear the teacher's presentation, participate in class discussions, and enjoy the benefits of spontaneous interactions between the pupils and teacher. It comes as no surprise that pupils with high absence rates earn lower grades than pupils with better attendance (Redick & Nicoll 2010). Student absenteeism has been a problem for years. State departments of education and school boards across the country have developed policies, procedures, and programs aimed primarily with the objective of reducing and preventing student absenteeism. To improve achievement, many districts have adopted policies calling for academic penalties for student absence. Fleming and Zafirau found that over three-fourths of school failure rates were explained by the attendance rate (Fleming & Zafirau 2008). Going to school regularly is crucially important for a pupil’s education and social skills. Chronic absentee students are placed at a disadvantage both socially and academically. They miss out on critical stages of social interaction and development with their peers and at the same time impacts negatively on their academic progress. This can result to low self-esteem, social isolation and dissatisfaction that could well have precipitated non-attendance in the first place. Absenteeism also affects the teacher’s ability present class work in a sequential and organized way. This can have an effect on the progress of all the students attending the class. The families of habitual absentees can also suffer. For a poverty-stricken family, it may mean a continuation of the poverty and unemployment cycle that may run in the family. This also contributes to family conflicts. The society also suffers as the children of school age hang around in the streets. They can be found just gallivanting around. Since they have nothing to do, they resort to petty crimes like stealing other people’s belongings and properties. Others may resort to drug addiction and other behaviour that is detrimental to society. Thus, if the student keeps on being away from school for too long, he may grow up to be a liability of his community and of his country as a whole. It is the aim of every school to lessen, if not eradicate absenteeism among its students. One way of addressing this problem is to identify the causes why students become truant from school. Once they are singled out, understood and analyzed, specific actions and measures can be undertaken. This will eventually redound to the better performance of the students, teachers and the school in general. It is in this context that this action research was undertaken, that is, to identify the causes why the Grade VI students in this school absent themselves from their classes. II. Background of the study A child or student’s interest is the most basic element that makes a learning system work in an organize way. The individual performance of the pupil and the impact of learning take into consideration when the assessment and evaluation prioritized. The relationship between the student’s physical presence on class discussions and their learnin