The United Kingdom has existed for many centuries, and it has been a wealthy union which has colonized and conquered many countries. But in later years, The United Kingdom has lost many countries to their own independence. The only countries left are Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and of course England. Even more countries of the UK want to gain independence, and Great Britain might not be so great anymore. The countries are splitting apart, arguing and fighting against each other. It is not as united as it once was. Especially Scotland has many times tried to become an independent country. They have been too, once upon a time. Should Scotland be an independent country? England and Scotland have historically had a bad relationship with each other. Throughout the centuries, there has been disagreements and fighting. The Scottish war for independence started in 1296 because there was no heir to the Scottish throne. The Scottish nobles invited the king of England to make the final decision of the competitors of the throne. Instead, the king imposed Johan Balliol as the king of Scotland. The people disagreed to being underthrown by England, so they fought against the Englishmen at Stirling Bridge in 1297 with William Wallace and Andrew Murray leading the Scottish army. Later, Johan Balliol tried to overthrow Scotland's king; Robert Bruce, but once again, the English failed. In the 1600s, Scotland entered a union with England. The king of Scotland inherited the throne of England, and left Scotland with no leader. Once again, chaos erupted over the throne. Many leaders were abolished, and they were forced to take a monarch from England. But this was not good enough for England, because later, England threatened to close all trade between the two countries. Therefore, the parliaments of both countries got together and they formed the Act of Union in 1707 which formed the United Kingdom. If you compare Norway with Scotland, Scotland is