Ivan Pavlov is a Russian physiologist who is known for his experiments on basic learning processes. He studied the salivation in dogs when the food is served. Psychologist define the term learning as “a relatively permanent change in behaviour brought about by experience.” (Cavanagh, 2014) They believe learning is a change from experience. While Ivan Pavlov was studying the dogs’ salivation towards food, he found out that the dog started to salivate when they see the experimenter who serves them food or hear the bell. He also noticed that the dogs are salivating even when they haven’t eaten yet. He then realized that the dogs were not only responding to hungry but also learning, which is also known as classical conditioning. Classical Conditioning is known as a learning when a neutral stimulus in this case the bell becomes the conditioned response. (Cavanagh, 2014) When Ivan Pavlov was conducting an experiment on the digestive system, he discovered classical conditioning at the same time. He worked with dogs and examined the salivations among dogs. He learned that when the bell is rung at a certain time while the food is being served the dogs salivate. In this case the unconditioned stimulus would be the food that is being served to the dogs. Unconditioned response is the saliva from the dogs when food is presented. The neutral stimulus is the bell that is rung at the certain time when food is being served. Unfortunately the dogs got smart and they started to salivate to the bell instead of the food because the dogs knew when the bell is rung the food is served. So now the conditioned stimulus is the bell and the conditioned response is the saliva from the dog. An example of basic process of classical conditioning: Kevin hates going to the doctor, because the last time he went to the doctor he got a flu shot with a big needle. So now Kevin is scared to go see the doctor even if he is really sick. In this situation the uncondi