Imagine that you were a teenager making life changes, and choosing the wrong decisions. Some parents ask for sex education to be added to the school curriculum (kieffer). Despite the reasons why people think sex education should not be taught to high school students, most parents do agree with their child learning about sex education. It can teach students so much about having safe/ protected sex. Many people feel that sex education should not be taught to teenagers . They would disagree with sex education being taught for many reasons. One reason is because it might persuade them into having sex. Another reason is because some students may feel uncomfortable talking/ learning about sex. Another reason can be that its against someone religion. Just haveing sex education taught to teenagers does not mean that they will change their sexual behavior (kieffer). Catholic schools were entitled to promote Catholic views on sexuality. Meaning that some Catholic schools did not believe in birth control. Some parents may not always agree with the school(s) choice on sex education. However many people feel that sex education should be taught in high schools because it will teach them how to prevent teen pregnancy at a very young age. The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among all industrialized countries. Forty-Seven percent of high school students have sex before graduating (reyes). Forty percent do not use a condom; seventy-seven percent of females do not use birth control. Teen pregnancy is a life changing experience. You're giving up the rest of your teen years to be a teen mom. Being a teen mother is not easy. if you were sexually active you should have used a condom or have been on birth control. There are many different options to prevent from getting pregnant. However Sex education should be taught to students in high school because it can prevent them from getting H.I.V. , S.T.D’s or any other sexually transm