
The Redefined American Dream

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Having graduated from USC with a degree in the medical field John is waking up getting ready for his new job working at the best place for a college graduate with a degree in the medical field, Stator Brothers. Yes, Stator Brothers, even worse as the bag boy. John Bags grocery after grocery with no real good wage or real excitement except for the occasional old lady requesting help to the car or using paper instead of plastic and thinking of his dream. Johns dream is a wife, a nice car, and having a big house but with whether he has a college degree or not he knew he was getting no closer to his dream as a bag boy in Stator Brothers. Joel Kotkin’s article in The Daily Beast, “Are Millennials the screwed Generation?”, and Isabel V. Sawhill and Daniel P. McMurrer’s piece Opportunity in America, “American dream and Discontents: Beyond the leveling playing field”, and Annie Lowrey’s editorial in The New York Times Company, “Do Millennials Stand a Chance in the Real World?” all shape the American dream and its idea. In today’s generation the American dream is redefined from concepts like “down scaling” of the American dream, college education not making a difference, and postponing marriage and children. In today’s generation, people are settling for less than what the American Dream use to be. In “Do Millennials Stand a Chance in the Real World?”, Lowrey describes how in this day and age people have a conventional view of the American dream. Lowrey introduces Neil Howe, an author of the 1991 book “Generation”, who says, “They look at the house their parents live in and say, ‘I could work for 100 years and I couldn’t afford this place”( Lowrey, par.3). Lowrey means that the younger generation, the Millennials, are looking at their parents and comparing what they have to what they want to achieve. People of this generation strive for that conventional notion of the American dream because that is what their parents have shown them, but become discourage because they end up coming short to what their parents have. This is important because it is affecting all of the today’s generation, and show what people of this generation really still want. Sawhill and McMurrer says, “Many Americans complain that working hard and playing by the rules no longer ensures the kind of upward mobility”(par2). Americans need a chance to increase their status among others, and when working just trying to make a living turns into just that, “trying to make a living.” What sawhill and Mcmurrer are saying is that something has change, something about working and “playing by rules” isn’t working for what the American dream has turned into. The American dream is an ever changing intangible idea that always seems to drive every generation to try and catch this idealistic fantasy promising all the wonders of success in life but never really truly gained. When the American dream use to be that stereotypic, white picket fence, house , car and family back who knows how long ago from today’s generation things were attainable. Now that stereotypic American Dream is for the upper class. In present 2014 the down scaling of the American for people of this generation has shaped the American dream to something less, but college education is another big factor in the change of the American dream. College education to education in this generation has affected the American dream definition in a major way and is becoming less and

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