John Baskerville was born in Worcestershire, England in 1706, and died in January 1775. He was introduced to the art of letters while working as a writing teacher and stone engraver. He established a japanning, which is a type of lacquered metal ware and it was popular at that time. Baskerville’s experience in japanning led him to some conclusions about the proper method for making ink. He set up a printing house and in 1757 published his first work, an edition of Virgil (figure 1), followed in 1758 by an edition of John Milton. John Baskerville also showed major innovations in printing, and paper production. He founded a completely new style of typography with wide margins and leading between each line. John Baskerville began experimenting with printing in 1750. Baskerville was a perfectionist, and as such he demanded complete control over the entire printing process. He created type, designed layouts and developed new paper making techniques enabling the creation of smooth bright papers. One of his techniques was using a type of paper called a “wove paper” to make smooth and glossy surface of the papers in his books. The wove paper manufactured for Baskerville was formed by a mold having a much finer screen made of wires woven in and out like cloth. The texture of wire marks eliminated from this paper. His introduction of “wove paper” led to it eventually becoming an industry standard that continues today. Another innovation of Baskerville was the treatment of papers. All papers he made were treated with the hot press method. Each sheet was pressed between two heated copper plates. John Baskerville used these in an edition of Virgil in 1754. He designed and the types, improved the wooden press on which he printed the book and made improvement to the paper he used. John Baskerville created different kinds of typefaces during his life, one of them being the popular “Baskerville” font. (figure3) Baskerville is a transiti