
Bullying and Cyberbullying

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From my perspective, bullying is when people maltreat their surroundings such as a person taking advantage of another. In other words, bullying can be described as actions that scare or harm another person. Bullies tend to pick on someone who is weaker or alone, repeating the actions over and over. According to Noam Lapidot-Lefler, bullying is defined as aggressive behavior, through which a powerful and influential individual or group (the bullies) consistently displays anti-social behavior with the intention of harming a less powerful individual. Physical and emotional harm represent bullying. Examples of physical bullying would be to hit, shove, or trip someone; whereas making fun of the way another person acts, looks, or talks represents emotional harm. What is cyberbullying? My description of cyberbullying is intentional harm toward others that is caused with the use of electronical devices. These devices are those that connect you to the internet; such as cell phones, computers, and tablets. Mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles relate with cyberbullying. Cyberbullying Versus Face-to-Face Bullying provided us with a more explainable definition of cyberbullying. “Cyberbullying is an aggressive, intentional act carried out by a group or individual, using electronic forms of contact repeatedly and over time against a victim who cannot easily defend him or herself” (Dooley, 2009, p.1 ). The differences between bullying and cyberbullying Although both bullying and cyberbullying are a form of harassment, differences interfere. Bullying occurs in person, while cyberbullying is included in the media. Since bullying is face to face, the victim is able to identify the bully. However, in the case of cyberbullying, the images or rumors can be posted anonymously. The victim may suspect from somebody, but does not have proof. Also, bullying usually takes place when the victim is alone, only the victim and bully/bullies are aware of their incident. On the other side, cyberbullying may be distributed to a wide audience. Within this, the cyberbully victim is not only harassed by the bully, but by others too. Dooley’s article informs us about the constructs of imbalance of power and repetition in relation to face-to-face and

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