
Character Summaries in The Color Purple

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In the first letter to God, Celie is asking God for help. She does not know what is happening to her and asks God to help her understand. Celie has been raped by her father multiple times. She was previously pregnant with a girl. Celie's suspects her father killed the child in the woods . She is now pregnant with her second child a boy. Celie's mother is sick, therefore Celie has become the target for her fathers needs. Eventually Celie's mother dies, and Alphonso sells Celie's baby to a couple (exposition). In the fourth letter, Celie says she cant stand her father anymore, and that he thinks she is evil and no good. She says he took her baby boy. She doesn’t think he killed it, rather she thinks he sold it to a couple in Monticello. She complains her breasts are sore and full of milk. Her father tells her to put something decent on, he wants her to look decent. Celie says that she has nothing decent to wear. Celie hopes that her father will find someone to marry, she is scared that he might sleep with her little sister. She promises to protect her little sister (rising action). Eventually, he comes home with a girl around Celie's age. Celie says that her dad sleeps with her all the time. She claims that the girl looks dizzy and tired all the time. She then goes on to explain that her little sister Nettie has a boyfriend. Nettie's boyfriends wife passed away, she was killed by her boyfriend while walking home from church. Nettie's boyfriend has three children, Nettie sees him every sunday at church. Mr. ????? as Celie calls him, visits Nettie every Sunday evening. Celie tells Nettie to pay attention to her school and studies. She implies that she does not want her sister to end up like ma (complication). Alphonso beats Celie one day after church cause he saw her “wink” at a boy in church. Celie says that she had something in her eye and did not wink. She says she never looks at boys because she is afraid of them. Celie tells Nettie to marry Mr.???, she does not tell her why. She tells her to marry him and try to have a good life (climax). Mr. ??? asks for Netties hand in marriage. But her father refuses and says she is to young and has no experience. He thinks Mr. ??? has to many children. Alphonso's new wife tells Celie and Nettie that Mr. ??? had a wife outside of marriage. He also mentions the scandal his wife caused when somebody killed her. Instead, Alphonso offers Celie to Mr. ???. He says that although she is ugly and a liar, she is experienced, has her own cow and hardworking (reversal). Celie says that she can fix herself up for Mr???. She dresses herself up, Alphonso says she looks trampy but “does it anyway”. Mr. ??? came that night, Celie was in her bed crying. Mr. ??? tells Alphonso that his children could sure use a mother. Alphonso refuses to let him have Nettie, he offers him Celie (falling action). It took Mr. ??? a while to make up his mind, but he finally agreed. Celie spends her wedding day tending to a wound caused by Mr. ??? son. He threw a rock at her. She spends the rest of the day fixing her stepdaughters hair and making dinner. At night, Mr.??? gets on top of her, she cannot help but think of Nettie's safety. While in town one day, Celie meets a mother with a daughter named Olivia. She cannot help but think of her daughter who was named Olivia. The lady at the fabric store tells Celie that she will make new dresses for herself and the baby. She says her daddy will be proud. Celie asks who her daddy is. The lady responds Mr.???, Celie asks who he is. The lady glares back at her as if its none of her business. She tells Celie its the Reverend. She turns back to the clerk, and he asks her if she wants the cloth. She says yes She watches as the lady purchases fabric from the store. The owner rips her a piece of fabric without measuring, and making her buy thread she does not want. Celie follows them along the street, she has nothing to offer and she feels poor. The lady cant find her husband, she says he took the wagon and left (catastrophe). 16-21 She asks Celie, who her husband is. Celie says, Mr.???, she acts as if she knows all about him. She says he is a fine looking man, the best one in the country. Celie agrees that he looks alright, but all men look the same to her. Celie asks the lady how long she has had her little girl. The lady tells her that her daughter will be seven in December. Celie asks for her name, the lady says her name is Pauline but they call her Olivia. Celie asks why do they call her Olivia if her name is Pauline. The lady says that she looks impish and like an Olivia. She says her eyes look old so she calls her oleLivia. She then sees her husband approaching in the distance and thanks Celie for her time. She laughs at the horses as they flick the flies away from themselves. Her husba

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