Picture this: a man meets the one for him, his true love, and the person he will spend the rest of his life with. He takes the next step, getting married and starting his family. He needs money to have a wedding and get a house. There is one little problem, this mans soul mate is another man. He can’t hold down a job, his family, friends, and religious leaders are unsupportive, and can’t get legally married. Do you see a problem in this? Does this seem fair? The problem is wide spread and discrimination is always in the air. In the end being a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans community brings issues and troubles, but no matter what, you are a person. As a human, you deserve the same rights as anyone else. These rights that apparently “are for all people” aren’t, some have these rights tested because of who they are. People of the LGBT community shouldn’t fear for their futures they deserve to be able to obtain jobs, not be ridiculed by peers, and get married. In today’s day and age there are big issues that come along with being apart of the LGBT community, still in 29 states it is legal for a place of work to fire employees for being gay or having the suspicion an individual is homosexual. In 33 states it is perfectly legal for people to be fired for being transgender. “Eight percent to 17 percent of gay and transgender workers report being passed over for a job or fired because of their sexual orientation or gender identity” (Burns and Krehley 1). People will forever live in fear of holding down jobs and have enough money to support them. Aside from being fired people can be ridiculed and tormented by co-workers that have opposing views. “Ten percent to 28 percent received a negative performance evaluation or were passed over for a promotion because they were gay or transgender. Seven percent to 41 percent of gay and transgender workers were verbally or physically abused or had their workplace vandalized