The Landlady is an elderly woman about forty-five or fifty years old... "She seems to be extremely nice and looked exactly like the mother of one's best school-friend welcoming one into the house with a round pink face and very gentle blue eyes. The old girl is slightly dotty but the fact that the landlady appeared to be not much worrying about her guests in the least. At first when Billy arrived at her door, She gave him a warm welcoming smile. “ " Please come in, she said pleasantly. The desire to follow after her into that house was extraordinarily strong. As Billy got his foot inside the house, He tired to take off his hat and coat, She said "Just hang it there and "let me help you with your coat . This sentence would make us clear that how generous she is. She made bed ready for her customer before they come in. Billy said "I Was wondering about a room . And she replied, "It's all ready for you, my dear, Inside Billy was thinking "how generous and he is pleasant to be there. They kept their conversation on and she decided to show Billy he's room. First floor. "This floor is mine They climbed up second floor, " We have it all to ourselves. She said, smiling at him over her shoulder as she led the way upstairs. "Here's your room, she said. As she went inside the dark room turning the light on, Billy thought it is the perfect place to be, beds were beautifully arranged. I hope you'll like it, "The morning sun comes right in the window, Mr. Perkins. It is Perkins, isn't it? "No, he said ˜It's Weaver. ˜And what about the supper, my dear? Did you manage to get anything to eat before you came here? Billy thought he should better jump into bed because he had lot to cover tomorrow and also he might be tired of train travel. “ " I'm not bit hungry, thank you , he said. " I think I'll just go to bed as soon as possible because tomorrow I've got to get up rather early and report to the