
Informational Paper: Democrats and Republicans

21 Pages 640 Words 1557 Views

American Politics is the process of resolving conflicts in America and deciding who get what, when, and how. In American Politics there are different types of governments; the main three are Democracy, Communism, and Fascism. In America, they say we live in a Democratic Republic also known as a Representative Democracy/Republic. Living in a Representative Democracy is supposed to mean that we vote on our elected officials and they are to make laws that are beneficial to all. This is not true. I disagree with this whole heartedly...The government puts on the fake imitation that they are letting us vote on our elected official but really it is mainly who they want to win wins. They let us go to the polls and cast a ballot but most are not counted, or said to be invalid. They give us the right but are partial in the way that they let us do it. This is one major reason I think people are less likely to go out and vote because of the injustices ones faces in doing so. The voting is so untrustworthy in the United States of America. It is not about the votes you get but about who you know in the right places that can get you into where you want to be, basically the definition of American politics. Also in living in a Representative Democracy we are suppose to have the right to call for initiatives, recalls, and referendums. I disagree with this as well. We are partially giving this right to. We can call for one YES ¦ but the process is so LONG and STRENUOUS that no one would have time for it. It also takes others to fall in line to help you. Many are not willing to help because they are scared of the law. We should not be scared of being punished for our rights ¦ That is just Crazy but in America we are because if the law sees you speaking out on something they are for they Take away your Freedom and but you in prison or give you a fine. That is just unfair and unjust. Living in this place we call a Representative Democracy we are also t

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