“Jordan, what are you saying? Why are you saying that you are quitting your job?” My mom was in the kitchen cooking up some of my favorite food, but I was not in the mood at all. I kept telling my mom that I have my reasons for what I am doing. I went to my room so frustrated. My mom would not let it go because she came in there all screaming demanding answers from me. All I could do was look at her thinking that this is my life, it is my decision. In my mind I was thinking why this woman on my case about this. To tune my mother out I turned the TV on, but that ended in complete failure. Right when I turned it on, she turned it straight off. My mom stood in front of me and said in a calm voice,” Jordan, tell me what happen today.” Thinking I was like it is none of your business but I folded. If I did not tell her I knew she would not leave it alone so I told her. The day at work started out pretty good just like any other day. Everyone said hey to me like they usually do and service was slow as ever. Deep down I knew that everyone was ready to go home because business is slow and that makes the labor go up. Well my manager puts me on the front counter to take orders. I am like “Yes Lord.” I was thrilled because I am not working in the kitchen smelling like burgers. I was ready to go home and labor was going up. I was thinking that it was matter of time and I will be out of here. As luck would have it, a big rush of people came pouring in and that is when everything went from easy day to crazy busy day. That’s when my day went from alright to horrible. I was taking this lady’s order and she was making this order so complicated. I was doing the best I can to get her order right. While I was taking another customer’s order the same woman comes to me in the middle of the person who was trying to finish their order. She asked so rudely where is my food. I am standing thinking really woman you are so damn rude. The woman gets an even more of an attitude with me and said “Why don’t you get back there and make my food because you are not doing anything.” I am like you don’t see me taking these people orders. I told her that was not my job. When I said that the situation escalated and the woman starts yelling making a even bigger scene. I was hoping that this w