
Overview of Forensic Science

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1. Latin terms used in Forensics= corpus delecti: the evidence we get of the crime. Modus Operandi (MO) how the crime was committed/reason for. Forensic Science classroom deff: Individualization and Evaluation of crime scene. Basic procedures for analyzing a Crime Scene: What's in yellow, who did it?, How did it happen?, Did it occur only in 1 place?, why was crime committed? When did it happen? The "bill of rights : Presumed innocent until guilty, Right to be searched unreasonably either in home or self. Not to be arrested without reasonable cause. Against unreasonable seizure of Property. Fair questioning. The value of biological/physical forensic evidence: Probative in court, can prove there was a crime. Can back up testimony, link a suspect to victim or crime scene, can identify/determine identity of people in crime. Reconstruct crime. Main categories of Forensic Evidence: Individual-different/tie dye hair, Class-all the same/brown hair. Locard's Exchange Principle: Every contact you make with a person, place, or object, results in an exchange of Bio physical materials. Trace Evidence: Not much to go on which makes it Circumstantial in court. 2. Most common crime scene: Car accident 4. 3 categories that serial killers victims: strangers, acquaintances, family. List of 4 major classifications of SK'S: Power/control, missionary killers, Visionary killers, Hedonistic. Organized: are above average intelligence, methodical, most common motive is sexual. Disorganized: Impulsive and below average in intelligence, socially inapt. Sociopath: Disregard for rights of others. Psychopath: Lack of couscous, unorganized. Female Serial killers: Black Widow, usually a relative w/poison. Revenge killing, involves hate, love, jealousy. Sexual Predators: only 1 in US History, Rare, driven by fantasy killing. Profit killing; Killing for money, or profit. Team killers: Kill with a partner, usually a male/ sexual in nature. 5 .FILAMENT: HOLDS UP THE ANTLER- TO PRODUCE. STYLE: HOLDS UP STIGMA, PETAL: ATTRACTION, OVARY: STUCTURE WHERE SEEDS DEVELOP NECTOR, SEPAL: PROTECTS BUD. The difference between POLLINATION AND FERTILIZATION IS POLLAN GRAN LANDSOME STIGMA AND OINING OF POLLAND TO MAKE SEED. Groups of Plants: Bryophytes-mosses, Pteridophytes-Ferns, Gymnosperms-Evergreen, Angiosperm-most advanced plan w/flowers, now small evergreens. Filament: holds the head up the antler- to produce. Style: hold up the stigma-keep from cloning/self-pollinate. Petal: attraction. Ovary: structure where seeds develop/Nectar. Sepal: Protects bud. Pollination: Pollen grain lands on stigma. Fertilization: joining of pollen to make seed. 6. Biological: Animal remains, Plant types Fungi, Protist (animal like cells). Physical: Density/heavy, Magnetism. Chemical properties: PH, gases pres

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