People define happiness differently. An economist relates happiness to the wealth of individuals while a psychologist defines happiness with regard to feelings and deep emotions of gratification. To some, happiness is attributed to the attainment of desires, and to others satisfaction of human beings lies in the fact that life is glum, and expectations serve to betray men. Where real satisfaction and happiness lies, remains a question that many try to answer. While attainment is the ultimate objective of all pursuits and accomplishment is a factor for more progress, desires and destinations still do not completely satisfy humans. The pursuit of one’s dreams and desires injects purpose into one’s life making it meaningful. Additionally, when a person responds to his utmost desire, it is guaranteed that he will happily lead his life, as there is always a push in driving everyday through. Pursuit prevents one from experiencing stagnant stages in life, as he is always motivated to achieve what he wants to achieve. While the outcome if this pursuit may not be guaranteed, one can still gain happiness throughout the journey. The blunders made, the challenges surmounted, the adversities faced will all transmute a person into a better person, with good virtues cultivated all the way. Of great importance, the person would not die regretting; as he has toiled and tried his best in attaining what he wants. Several prominent figures balance the happiness and desire in a formidable way – Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates. By examining their lives keenly, it’s clear that their pursuit of desires and dreams is filled with great pleasures and satisfaction. From these amazing individuals, one can learn that the important secret of maintaining desire and happiness in life is to have a defined purpose in life. As they are focused on attaining their goals, they are not blinded by the greed in the pursuit of those goals. This way, they