
Film Review - The Devil Came on Horseback

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The documentary film Devil Came On Horseback is a tragedy that takes place in Darfur as seen through the eyes of an American witness, who has since returned to the U.S. to take action to stop it. It uses the photograph’s and first hand testimony of former U.S marine captain Brian Steidle to take the viewer on a journey into the heart of Darfur, Sudan. Where an Arab run government is systematically executing a plan to rid the province of its black African citizens. This documentary compares to the novel Night and shows elements of total pain in a way you couldn't imagine. Since this documentary has come out there has been some action to try to put a stop to the genocide. For starters, Devil Came On Horseback and the novel Night compare in a way such as the classification used for Darfur genocide is killing any members of a group and causing bodily or mentally harm to other members of a group. This isn't hard to see from the graphic pictures and incidents described of the gruesome killings everyday in Sudan. The novel Night compares to this classification as well. For instance, the Holocaust for genocide of the Jews. Both Darfur and the Holocaust weren't a pretty site. The throwing of women, babies, and children into fire pits definitely falls under causing bodily harm to other members of a group. In addition, the documentary Devil Came On Horseback the main character Brain spoke out and tried to put a stop to Darfur and bring awareness to what has been going on there. He went on news stations and shared his first hand testimony along with the pictures he took, but nothing was done in the end to stop the genocide. The United Nations didn't put effort into stopping the gruesome attacks. Brain cried, “ I feel guilty for not doing anything. We could only stand there and watch. People died and we took pictures.” It was eating Brian up inside that all he was able to do when being an observer in Darfur, Sudan was take pictures. He couldn't step in and take action even if he wanted to because the government didn't give him the okay to do so. As for the novel Night, nothing was done to stop the Holocaust. Hilter went on to kill thousands of innocent people with no consequences. Hilter and the Janjaweed were able to do unspeakable things to many people and the outcome caused many elements of total pain. In fact, the Africans in Darfur experienced physical, psychological and emotional pain. They were shot, beatened, women were raped and many Africans were killed by the Jajaweed. The little boy who endured the gunshot wound to

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