?Bureaucracy is a term that frequently has negative connotations for many citizens. But, while Max Weber recognized the efficiency advantages of bureaucracies, he also realized that it carried a price. Discuss a pro and a con of any federal bureaucratic agency. Bureaucracy is an organized structure that is characterized by explicit procedures and regulations. One example of this kind of agency is Food and Drug Administration (FDA). FDA is an Independent Regulatory Agency part of United States Department of Health and Human Services. FDA roles are promoted safety, regulation and supervision in manufactory practices of food, pharmaceutical drugs, vaccines, cosmetics, veterinary products and others. In the other hand, despite the great importance and regulatory processes, also has some bureaucratic pathologies that concern and alarm to several social groups or the community in general. FDA is characterizing for the rigorous process in manufacturing practices and product development. The safety regulation processes vary widely according by the type of product, risks and the regulatory powers granted to the agency. The positives points of this agency are the regulation of the most important things for the human welfare and quality of life. The most typical regulation is the food and dietary supplements. FDA has the authority to oversee the substances and the complete procedure of all the food that we buy in the supermarket. This brings to everyone the tranquility that all food products are in perfect condition for eating. The drug production and development are regulated by Center for Drug Evaluation and Research of FDA. These regulation products are the most restricted, and have the most rigorous regulation process. The human medication is one of the most important to note, because only with a bad dose or adding incorrect amount of any substance in the drug, could cause the death of many people because the pha