Transformers and Bad Boys II were both directed by Michael Bay. Transformers is a science fiction film about huge human-like robots who come to earth from outer space. Bad Boys II is a movie about two cops who are on the drug task force in Miami. Director Bay uses mise-en-scene quite differently in both films. However there are a few similarities with each. He also uses a wide variety of camera shots, lighting, and angles in each film to portray different things. Each film has a different genre so Mr. Bay uses different techniques in each to convey the message he is trying to send the viewer. Through analyzing the mise-en-scene used in each film we can understand what the director is trying to show the viewer. The scene I am going to use from Transformers is the scene where the Autobots first meet up with Sam and Mikayla in a back alley. This scene begins with Sam and Mikayla entering a back alley from one direction and the Autobots entering the alley from the other direction. The design of this scene is very ambiguous. It is set at night and in a back alley that is very dimly lit with lots of smoke and objects to impede the viewer’s view. I feel like the director used this approach because he wanted to build suspense for the first shot of the Transformers on the big screen. He knew the viewers would be anxious to see these huge machines transform for the first time and wanted to build as much suspense as possible up until that moment when the viewer can first see the how they looked and the size of the Transformers compared to humans. The composition of this scene is such that the director wants to show the size of the Transformers compared to humans. One part of the scene is shot from behind Sam and Mikayla as they look up to a fully transformed Optimus Prime. From this Point of View you can see just how massive the Transformers are compared to that of Sam and Mikayla. Also, Optimus is standing in between two buildings and you can