Education is growth and means of being literate and financial strong. It places one In a strategic position socially and economically and allows for proper networking and political heights which are achieved through education in life. Better opportunity for sustenance of livelihood, and meeting up with the responsibilities of paying bills, which are in most cases necessary bills for living and staying alive especially in America can only be assured with college education. Every American should go to college because college education provides better economic stability, social advancement and elevates personal character and growth. Getting a means of livelihood in terms of good jobs or high paying jobs can only be a reality to people who have some form of education. Jobs are categorized according to educational levels and skills with matching wages/salaries for the different categories of jobs. Mainly, the jobs are categorized into two in America. They are the high paid jobs which are held by professionals and educated skilled personnel such as the medical field, engineering, business management and the career group of professionals. The other group of jobs are the food preparation and retail stores such as McDonald’s and the Ross clothing store. Such jobs are occupied by people who mainly did not get college education. College education enables one to branch out in search for a job and going for the best professional jobs which provides for economic stability for both the individual and government in the long run. Basically, the higher education an American attains, the better and wider chance of getting a better job which is not a low level job. The Occupational Information Network (2009) was created to classify jobs into zones or categories placed jobs into zones based on workers educational level training and experience needed for a particular job. This body placed a wide gap between jobs needing educational intellectual and named it zone 5 jobs and they zone jobs needing no college education as zone 1. They came up with the annual income of college education job holders as a little over $35,000 dollars while placing the annual income of job holders with no college education to be less than 13,000 a year, thereby making it clear and easy to see that some college education is far better than no college education at all. Riesman (1997) further elaborated on the need for every American to get college education when he claimed that a college- any college- is the American passport to the middle class. This means that col