You may know of a musical artist near you that can utilize an instrument well. These people are usually hands on, compelled, and have a love and different taste for music. I’m going to tell you a tale of a hero who could play the guitar so fast he would nearly stop time in its tracks, a man that could scare away a pack of wolves with his lightning of a Lute. Let’s first start with the chronicle behind the great six stringed shredder. It was February 14th 1996, around the area of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania when he was conceived to his parents who then brought him to the small municipality of Middletown. He had such great hunger that as soon as the child got home he near ate a whole pantries worth of food, he was a heftier child after all. Years passed and his family grew used to what seemed like relentless hunger from the adolescent’s stomach. By this time, He could talk, walk, and tie his own shoes, did I mention that he nearly ate the sofa when his parents left for a night out. Thanks to his babysitter there might not have been a house to come back to. Anyway, when he was around the age of eight he went camping with his parents during the month of July. His Mom and Dad were setting up camp when Matt wandered off into the wilderness and to his surprise he found an acoustic guitar. It seemed someone had built camp near the river ‘’ is anybody there ‘’ Matt called. No one had replied so he went and picked up the guitar. He started to pluck different strings then, he proceeded to use his left hand to press on the fret board and produce different notes. A man then appeared to the tent and appeared as if he was just finished fishing. He said “Boy you’re a real natural aren’t ya’’. Matt replied ‘’ I’m sorry I didn’t know anyone was here’’. ‘’It’s alright, I Ain’t had a visitor for awhile’’ Explained the Man. ‘’Nice to meet you I’m Matt’’ said the boy. ‘’And I’m Gary’’ said th