In my ideal city all women will be respected and thought of as wise, intelligent, hardworking, and as having value. Woman would be able to choose any profession they wanted and truly would have equal pay for equal work. Being a mother and caregiver of their children would be realized as a very important position, since they are caring for and shaping the future generations. In fact, woman would be given great respect because they can incubate, birth, and nurse children. Stay at home moms and mothers that work part time would be giving a living stipend so they can stay home longer. All women would have two years paid maternity leave. The women that decided to go back to work would have on-site child care available to them. They would have the ability to go have lunch with their child, check in on them during breaks, or even nurse them throughout the day. If their child really needed their mother or was upset, the mother would not face negative consequences to go see their child. It would be considered normal and encouraged to help their child feel calm and happy again. Work hours would be more flexible with more ability to work from home. A work week would be 30-32 hours a week, rarely working longer with great health benefits, including birth control. I would think that women would have every bit of a chance to get any position in a company as a man as long as she had the ability to do the job and other job requirements. Women would no longer be second shelved though. They would be encouraged to get the necessary requirements in any field. No man would ever feel negative thoughts that he was working or training with a woman. He would just see her as a competent individual. All women would nurse their children unless there was a medical reason that they were not able to. Nursing would be the norm and the expected nutrition of babies. Everyone would know the value of nursing and it would be encouraged. Women could nurse a