Stop and think about your future, now imagine that everything that is going to happen in your life is already planned out before you were even born. Humans for hundreds of years have been playing with the idea of predetermined purpose of our lives. While some think life is a random phenomenon of events others argue that life is a road we follow. So the question remands does the value of someone’s life have a predetermined purpose? While some, like the award winning author, Paulo Coelho think that each person has a personal legend. In the book The Alchemist he states “God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to follow the good omen.” (Coelho 34). Coelho uses the words “Good Omens” to represent signs from God and events in your life to keep following the “path” that God has put out for you. The Alchemist believes that your predetermined purpose is set by God and you follow it by the good things and signs that happen to you in your life, whether or not you follow these will determine the value of your life and your happiness. In contrast to Coelho, Shakespeare the famous play and poem writer perceives life in a different view. In the exert from a play called “Hamlet Soliloquy” Hamlet speaks about his hardships in his life and how he wants to end it all. The soliloquy says “with a bare bodlkin? Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat under a weary life, but that the dread of something after death.” (Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) Hamlets view on life is skewed by the unfortunate events that have been placed upon him, for him he feels like he can take life into his own hands and take it away. He then starts to realize and wonder what comes after death and thinks it must be worth. With all the burdens he has been dealt with he realizes that nothing is worse than death that awaits him. The predetermined purpose is not important to hamlet as he ponders the value of his life with a dagger in his hand