According to Bowdoin "Every demonstration of plagiarism sells out general society's trust, disregards the inventor of the first material and decreases the guilty, the art and the industry. The Josephson Institute Center for Youth Ethics surveyed 43,000 high school students in public and private schools and found that 59% of high school students admitted cheating on a test. 34% self-reported doing it more than two times, one out of three high school students admitted that they used the Internet to plagiarize an assignment.(Josephson, 2) Numerous individuals consider plagiarism as duplicating an alternate's work or acquiring another person's unique thoughts. Yet terms like "duplicating" and "acquiring" can camouflage the reality of the offense.(Josephson, 4) Plagiarism is to take and pass off as one's own, to utilize without crediting the source, to confer academic dishonesty, to present as new and unique a thought or item determined from a current source. At the end of the day, plagiarism is a demonstration of misrepresentation. It includes both taking another person's work and lying about in a short time later. Students from different countries are not familiar with the traditions of plagiarism in American universities and colleges. Plagiarism by students, professors or scientists is viewed as academic dishonesty or scholarly fraud, and offenders are liable to academic reproach, up to and including expulsion. Plagiarism is the demonstration of utilizing someone else's thoughts or work without recognizing the first source and giving legitimate credit. It is dishonest and, now and again, it is illegal. Plagiarism is a form of academic dishonesty.(Ehlers, 2) There are many types of Plagiarism; the first and the most inclusive is direct plagiarism- Direct Plagiarism is the saying for-word interpretation of a segment of another person's work, without attribution and without quotes. The conscious plagiarism of another person's work is deceptive, academically dishonest, and reason for disciplinary activities, including expulsion.(Bowdoin, 2) Second most important is self-plagiarism, it happens when an understudy submits his or her own particular past work, or blends parts of past works, without consent from all teachers included. Example it would be unsuitable to use some piece of a research paper you wrote in secondary school into a paper distributed out in a university course