
Outlook on Public Speaking

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In order for public speaking to become a skill, there are a few areas in which I need to improve to make it a suitable strength. Public speaking is not a weakness for me but I would like to transform it into one of my strengths. During my four to five minute Tell A Story speech, I really didn’t have any weaknesses besides not having effective speaking notes and learn to write less. My strengths with this speech was that I was very raw and emotional which Ms. Reeder said was a great way to introduce myself to the class and her. I really don’t have to worry about eye contact or getting my audience’s attention and setting the appropriate mood for my speech. With my Tell A Story speech I truly believe that this is one of my best speeches. Now with my Informative speech my strengths were that I was very happy giving the speech and very engaging on the Information that I was teaching my classmates and teacher. I had a couple of weaknesses with this speech, like I needed to have more sources from different places instead of all coming from the same source, I didn’t have a good Artistic last line but overall everything was excellent. Finally, my Persuasive speech was not the best one of them all. I really don’t believe that I was well prepared to give this speech due to the simple fact that when talking about the death penalty, it’s kind of hard. I admit that I had a lack of research when giving this speech and tend to ramble a lot when presenting it in front of the class. With this speech my organization was not well and the only part that was satisfactory would be my clear problem of why I was against the death penalty. However, I did catch my audience’s attention when giving information about my topic and how it could be related to the audience. Like always I maintain very good eye contact with my audience and make sure that my speech is projected adequately. With all of my speeches that were given I hope that throughout my lif

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