In Dave Barry's "Providing for Your Children's College Educations," it is suggested that parents do whatever they can to get heir child to do a mediocre job in school so that they will end up at a school that will be financially easy on the family. Dave Barry gives many ways to achieve this and many pros to going to a low-budget college. David Barry suggests things like not letting your child do their homework "until after you've watched your five hours of television! (Barry 91). There are a few things I would add on to the list of ways to achieve the state of being a mediocre student. First of all, for a student to achieve ultimate mediocrity, I think it is crucial to put television, video games, friends, etc., before schoolwork. Having a social life is a big part of being in high school, you don't want to be known as the nerd who sits at home studying all the time. Spending as much time with friends as humanly possible (especially on week nights) is important for a child's well being. It's also important that the student does not feel pressured to be perfect and to have perfect grades, this will allow them to feel like they don't have to try as hard, thus, giving them a stress free school experience. Encouraging a child to be involved in multiple after school activities is also a great thing to do be distracted from studying. From trying to break a world record, to obsessing over a boy band or multiple boy bands, to making pointless videos for the Internet, it is good for teenagers to live their youthful lives and be young, wild, and free. Teenagers need to experience being a teenager while they can. If you were to ask any teenager if they would rather spend their night studying or going to a music festival/concert I think anyone with a brain could predict what their answer would be. So why not let them be happy and have fun? Another way to succeed into getting into a bad school would be to have absolutely no involvement wit