We are all familiar with our three inalienable rights; the right to life, to freedom and the pursuit of happiness. However there is another one that people usually link to the right to life, which is healthcare. In simple words, healthcare is the supply and development of physical and mental health through the provision of medical services. Everybody has the human right to great medical care regardless of their financial background. Healthcare should also be accessible and available to all. The fact that it could save lives, improve public health and it is good for the economy of the country are some of the reasons why. To begin with, a right to healthcare could save lives. According to a study from Harvard researchers, lack of health insurance is associated with many deaths per year, the number of people who die because of non-insurance goes up to 44, 000 in a year. That being said, children and the elderly are the ones most affected because they need it most; children being still in the process of growing up, physically as well mentally, need easily accessible healthcare to ensure that they’re progressing in the right way. So do elderly; they are in the stage of life where their body becomes frail, and making sure that they receive good medical care is also assuring their peaceful last days on earth. On top of that, it has been found that those who do not have medical coverage are the ones who need it the most; the homeless, children of single parents, or just normal people. Another example is that of people who live in unsanitary environments, those without proper housing to prevent from rough weather or the unemployed. They are more likely to have health issues and so need it more but cannot afford it. Secondly, healthcare can participate in the improvement of public health. A study in 2012 that looked at over 100 countries with universal healthcare showed evidence that a broad healthcare coverage will lead to better access to nec