Most kids, when they go to the store with their parents, try to fill up the cart with every toy and knickknack within their grasp. I was definitely one of those kids but my parents wouldn’t allow it. Out of everything in the shopping cart, they’d only buy me the books. Over time I caught on and wouldn’t even look in the toy isle anymore, I’d run straight to the book section. For the longest time, reading didn’t appeal to me. I associated it with homework because every night I had to complete a reading log for school which forced me to read for 30 minutes and then write a short summary. As a child, homework was the equivalent to timeout and I refused to do anything even slightly close to schoolwork on my own time. It was not until I told my 3rd grade teacher that I didn’t like reading and she responded, “It is not the act of reading you hate, it’s the quality of the book. There’s millions of books out there in the world, at least one was wrote for you” That I realized maybe reading wasn’t so bad, maybe it was my book choices. From then on out, I made it my personal mission to find “the” book; the one wrote just for me. As I grew older, the sizes of my books grew larger. They no longer had pictures and they would actually have a story line that I could get into. I’m not sure what the first chapter book I read by myself was, but I know the first one I actually enjoyed reading was Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets by J.K Rowling. I’d never gotten so involved with the characters in a book before, it was amazing. It was lighthearted and even though it had a lot of pages, it was an easy read. I flew through the whole book in three days which I was most proud of as an adolescent. I realized that though it wasn’t specifically wrote for me, there were still books out there that appealed to me. After reading the whole series, I decided it wouldn’t hurt me to venture out and see what other novels would spark my interest. I began making regular visits to the library and picking up books off the suggested reading lists that were posted around t