
American Dream - Hope for the Future

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A light created by the aggressions of colonists, the dream has lightened and dimmed over centuries and will inevitably continue to do so as long as America stands. We’ve witnessed the triumphs of the lower class, and even immigrants. We’ve also witnessed the triumphs of soldiers and political figures. To everyone, the dream has a special meaning of triumph and greatness. However, the American Dream formerly nested in the shields of opportunity and freedom but now the realists of America who redefine the dream by money or to be non-existent are attacking it. The light of the American dream started off bright and was a symbol of hope to many of the colonists especially to the Pilgrims. The idea of a new beginning became the American Dream itself for many centuries. Vanity Fair: Re-Thinking the American Dream by David Kamp defines the dream to be the purpose of America’s establishment. “It is part of our charter-as articulated in the second sentence of the Declaration of Independence, in the famous bit about “certain unalienable Rights” that include ‘Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness’” (¶ 4). This evidence maintains the true meaning of the American Dream and sets it in stone. In interviewing my grandma she made it clear that she just wanted the chance to provide for her family as did my grandpa. “Just be a caring mother” -Mary Dixon. The two qoutes explain the simplicty of the American Dream, excersing mimnimum rights just to make it by. The current cultrural views of the American dream vary a lot compared to that of earlier centuries (due to factors like WWII and immigrants). The idea of the American Dream has gone past the chance of freedom and stretched oppurtunities to the peak, wheter it be making an Olympic Team or becoming famous. In Kamps Article, he argue the American Dream’s present status. Kamp explains the unbeilivable amount of failures affiliated with the Dream. “The American Dream was

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