?A critical take on Obesity A critical take on Obesity About 60 million of adults in America become obese and about 9 million are severely obese (“Demographics” part 1). According to a recent statistical data report, 15% of 6-11 year old and 15.5% of 12-19 year old people become obese in America (Demographics part 3). And thus from 1950’s itself, obesity has been called as America’s leading health problem (Bennett and Gurin 1982). This increment is significant as compared to other food related health disorders and other infectious diseases. My initial research states that America is a hub for fast growing food and health related miseries. My research will focus on the parameters about the ways to fight this back especially when there is a family with limited source of earning and a high population of 4-5 children and would look forward to the ways adopted to make it healthier. My research will show the positive outcome of good eating habits and good education which can result in a healthy life and awareness about the signs and symptoms and risk factors related to obesity which can help giving a critical thought to it and try fighting back. I expect to focus on the problems associated with obesity and what preventive measures can be taken to avoid and prevent it. This can aware the readers both suffering and non suffering and can persuade them to adopt some of the habits which could help improve their lifestyle and lead a better life. I too hope to motivate them through my thesis. Further some of the important information regarding the dietary pattern, correct food intake, exercise timelines and routines I have tried to mention to make the thesis better. I have experienced a lot during my life people suffering from obesity and developing other diseased like diabetes, hypertension etc and therefore choosing this topic for my research was very obvious for me. Finally I have educated people and encouraged them to maintain their eating and exercise balance. Also all this knowledge would be fruitful for me as well. It is said that charity comes from home, thus I would implement all these terms on myself and my family and would look forward if people in my neighborhood are following as well. Also my intended audience would be my work place and my neighborhood where I have people who have faith in me, respect me. Apart from them I also try to reach out to all the parents who would never wish their children becoming obese due to heavy junk food eating