To be bullied or to be the bully, that is the question. When I mention the word bully I bet someone comes to mind immediately. One of my favorite movies growing up was the 1984 Karate Kid starring Ralph Macchio and the ever popular Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi. For those of you that don’t know the movie it’s about a handyman/martial arts master who agrees to teach a bullied boy karate and show that boy that there is more to the martial art than fighting. At the end of the movie the boy got to meet his bully in the center ring of a karate tournament and of course win and disgrace the bully. A feel good ending for the hero but I often wonder about the bully. What motivated that bully? I have known bullies my whole life; in my school experience, within my family, on t.v., and even now as an adult in my workplace. Now we can add cyberbullying to the list of many ways to bully someone. The fact is that we probably all have been bullies at one point or another. The question is are bullies born that way or are they made. My grandpa was and a feared man within my family for as long as I can remember. When grandpa was in the room everyone lowered their voices and straightened up in fear of being reprimanded for whatever. I remember one time my grandma was playing a game with me at the kitchen table. She heard grandpas’ car pull in the driveway, packed up the game as quickly as possible and ordered me to go outside because grandpa will need some peace and quiet after working his shift. Now as I look back at my childhood I can’t help but identify his behavior as bullying. Any time grandpa spoke out harshly about how a situation will be handled my grandma would say, “He can’t help speaking to people that way, that’s just the way God made him.” I have a hard time believing that someone is born to be a bully. There must be other factors to the equation. Bullies usually don’t have structure in their life. At grandpas’ funeral I was able to hear his back story f