Sex education involves a formal framework in which information about sexual activities is disseminated. Sex education covers a huge range of related topics, such as protection from child abuse, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), unwanted pregnancies and complications related to abortion. In the socio-cultural and religious context of Pakistan however, sex education is a highly controversial topic. In Pakistan, the situation is very different from its Western counter-parts, which raises a lot of questions about the viability of a formal sex education system, which may be irresponsive specifically in the Pakistani context. Although it can be said that sex education can help reduce STDs, sex related complications and social evils like child abuse; however in the socio-cultural and religious context of Pakistan, sex education is not viable because of scarcity of premarital sex, political backlash and general impracticality. The concept of sexual education in schools does not fit in the Pakistani society because of relatively low incidence of premarital sex. Need of such a formal education arises when there is a high sex rate before marriage. One of the major reasons for low premarital sex rate in Pakistan is that its social setup is grounded in religious values, which prohibits the interaction of opposite sexes and thereby helps to keep the premarital sex rate low. In the Pakistani society, sex is considered a taboo and there is a general attitude of abstinence from sex before marriage. Girls, especially, cannot even think of having intercourse before marriage because of the ramifications on future marital and social life. In Western societies however, where premarital sex is quite common, sex education is a necessity. Thus, it is not altogether wrong to say that in the Pakistani context, in contrast to the Western context, there is no need for sex education in schools. In a country like Pakistan, a formal sex education system can have a social or political backlash. People in Pakistan are generally wary of institutions that are pro-sex education. Dawood Public school, a renowned girls’ school in Karachi started a sex education program under which students were taught about reproduction. Some parents were against sending their children to such a school, and raised protests against such a curriculum (Safdar). Naveed Zuberi, adviser to provincial education minister, said that “This is not USA or Europe, this is Pakistan and our culture does not allow us to teach these things at schools” (qtd. in Safdar).