What do you see when you look at the mirror? Do you like what you’re seeing? Are you happy and comfortable? Are you satisfied with the way you look? Does being beautiful make us happy? They say “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.” This is probably one of the most cliché quotations you’ve also heard. However, it actually has a point. What may look beautiful to others, may not look pleasing to you and what may look beautiful to you is unpleasing for them. We can’t deviate from the fact that the society has given a high standard for beauty. If we try to picture a beautiful woman, an image will be formed. We create an image of a woman having a Coca-Cola slim body, long slender legs, chiseled blemish-free face partnered with pretty bright eyes and a cute nose, a flawless skin, and a good fashion sense. The society in a way have created an image of a woman as perfect as the famous cartoon character, Barbie. Admit it or not, we criticize people. Unknowingly sometimes, we judge and laugh about the way a person looks, dresses, walks and talks. The society have very criticizing eyes. It tries to point out all the flaws a person has. Beauty in a way has become the standard of perfection. Because of this standards, people have wished to be beautiful. It is because of a very shallow reason- to be accepted by the society. Everybody wants to be accepted by the society. Who wouldn’t want to be complimented and admired by the way they look? The compliments we hear from people gives a little boost to our confidence. It simply implies that our standards for beauty is dictated by what the majority says. Our perception about beauty is now molded by the society- by the things we see, the compliments we hear, the clothes and accessories we wear. Since we are used to know that a beautiful woman should be sexy, tall, and pretty and stylish in order to be considered one, it has made us think that we have to meet the standard of the people aroun