Music is a fantastic way for individuals to express their opinions on controversial topics such as racism and poverty. One of the most famous artists Tupac Shakur helped bring to the light issues such as racism even after the era of Martin Luther king. Tupac's song "Changes can relate to similar examples of the stories we read in class like "When I was a Child , "Homeless on Campus , and "Singer solution to solve poverty . The song relates about the calamity of African Americans, especially the extreme cruelty and torture they encountered. Tupac says that things will constantly stay the same until the person makes a difference, rather than delaying for the society to intercede. "It's time for us as a people to make a change. Let's change the way we eat, change the way we live, and change the way we treat each other. “Tupac. All three of these writings have related context that match to the song "Changes by Tupac. The writing "When I was a child by Lillian Smith, shows us an example of what kind of hardships African Americans went through in their life. The young girl, who enjoyed staying at the Smith's family, was kicked out, because she was no longer good enough to be recognized as a person. At the end of her writing it says, "I had not said a word, I did not say one, but she knew, and tears slowly rolled down her little white face. This shows us how backwards everything seemed in the midst of segregation. Once they realized that she wasn't a white girl, her appearance no longer mattered to them. In the song "Changes by Tupac, he says, "I see no changes. All I see is racist faces. Misplaced hate makes disgrace to races we under. I wonder what it takes to make this one better place... let's erase the wasted. He describes the feelings African Americans had when they were not treated equal, just like how the young girl was treated in "When I was a Child . Author Eleanor J. Bader, who wrote "Homeless on C