
Limiting and Burning Calories

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Introduction: I started to lose weight two years ago. Until now, the result is gaining more weights than you could imaging. I have so many experiences on this. I don’t like doing exercise. I am lazy, but to lose weight, I tried to do exercise everyday, sit-ups, aerobics, race walk, swimming. I don’t have time to keep on doing this. So, I was like three steps forward, two steps back. After couple weeks, many of my friends and my mom all said my legs looked thicker. This did subject me to a serious blow. So I gave up doing exercise. Half an year ago, I saw a video online that the women who is familiar with losing 80 lb. in Asia talked about her way to lose weights. She also introduced natures’ bounty’s apple cider vinegar and Raspberry Kenton which she “took those everyday.” Most people could tell that was just an advertisement. The point is I believed what she said and bought those online. I tried that, follow the direction, eating two pieces with lunch. However, I didn't feel sick or uncomfortable, not even any changes in my weights. I knew I was cheated by her. Then I started to work out again and it turns out to be the same result as before, I looked bigger than before. I totally gave up exercising. It changed my body shape and made it worse. During the summer break, I found a program called “21-days losing weights”. It is a dieting plan. The first 3 days is for cleaning all wastes in the stomach. I couldn't eat anything except drinking water. And then, started on the forth day, I could eat, but only fruits and vegetables. No meats or staple foods. Eating like that for 7 days, I could eat normal then. After the 10 days, many people find out they don't eat as much as before. They don't want to eat those foods which can cause people fat. However, I didn't go that far, I gave up at the forth day of the second part. I lost about 15 lb. in 7 days. However, I did get those weights back after I gave up. Losing weights is basically limiting or burning calories you take. It is so hard for me to lose weights. Neither of the basic three ways works for me. Nevertheless, there are still some people lose weights successfully. Why could this happen? Is limiting or burning calories a real weight-loss strategy? Background Knowledge: When I started to research, I realized that I still had many things I don't know. I knew that don't increase the levels or speed if it’s for losing weight when doing exercise. I knew that Raspberry Kenton can’t help people lose weights. For dieting, everyone still has to eat everything in meals. Only eating fruits can reduce fat, however, no one can’t live without staple foods for entire life. And it can also cause some heart and throat issues. The most important thing is you must have preference if you want to lose weight. Research Question: When I decided to choose this topic that has ruined my life for 2 years , I really wanted to look more in depth. Why can’t I lose weight successfully? Why some people can lose weigh really fast and never gained back? Why does everyone said taking pills to lose weight isn't healthy? Is that only because they called pills? And what ingredients inside those pills “help” people lose weight? Why does most dieting not work? Furthermore, I also want to know why I can’t even lose weight by doing exercise. Steps of Research : My research started on 15, September. Each steps has list in front of me, all I do is to follow the steps and then complete it. When I heard we were going to do a research paper, I was depressed. My friend saw what I wrote this Monday, and she laughed and said I should change it. But, that is true. Do you know the feeling like you are relaxing on a piece of cloud and really enjoy the moment; however, the cloud suddenly disappear? But I have to do it, it will rule my grade. Started to find a topic, I didn't know what I wanted to search. But I know I would definitely choose a topic that I am familiar with and was easy to collect the information. I scrolled up the websites and saw "diet" under the section of health which was so conspicuous to me. It reminds me of losing weights. I have so many experiences and I really want to talk about that. I would like to talk about the noneffective and unhealthy ways to lose weight which happens to me all the time. But I still need a research question. All the questions I could think out were too obvious. So I asked my teacher for help, we got one at first which was " how does negative ways of losing weight affect people's health in the future?". I went to the school library resources database to find the six sources. The first two which were both articles were pretty easy to get it done. I had one that I wanted to be the third resource. That is a video on YouTube. It is an episode of a Taiwanese TV show which basically talks about why exercise is difficult for people to lose weight and the positive things about doing exercise. I wouldn't use the second part cau

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