I was walking straight to my apartment. After a long day all I was hoping to do was to have something to eat, take a long relaxing bath and have some rest. I opened my bag and I looked for my keys then I heard a tremendous sound coming inside my place. I hesitated to open the door and when I did my heart almost stopped. My best friend steph who was my roommate for about 2 years decided to have a party, but she didn’t even bother to ask me. She was totally drunk and she passed out in the middle of our living room. Everything was a complete disaster. They were about 30 or more people inside our small apartment. I was totally mad and I wanted to scream. I woke my friend and I told her "I’m so done with you”. Steph was a really good friend after all. We meet since freshman year and since then we became inseparable. When her mother died I convinced her to get an apartment just for us, since she had no family in El Paso. Everything had worked really well the first year. She was an incredible student and she even received a scholarship to play soccer at UTEP. Steph had a great job as a secretary that allowed her to pay half of the bills in order for us to have everything under control. She was a great help inside the house. Her room was always organized and she would help me with the domestic duties. In that moment I couldn’t think of anyone else that could do it better than her. She was a responsible and independent woman and I actually was really proud of her. She seemed happy full of dreams that she proposed to accomplish for herself, but everything changed after she meet Alfredo. He was the type of guy no lady wants to be around. Stephs mother took 9 months to build her heart inside her stomag and this guy found a way to destroyed it in less than weeks. She went throw a tough time and I lost her. She start it to drink every weekend, she lost her scholarship and quit her job. I tried my best to support her and I did gave her go