
Our Dependence on Technology

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People think that the technology has made our life stress-free, in my opinion its making us overly dependent on technologies. Technology is advancing at a faster pace than ever before in history. We are constantly discovering more ways to do things faster and easier. However, the knowledge to make those advances didn’t just appear overnight, they had to work at it. All this new technologies has taken a place on our society and our brains. To run our lives and stop relying on our personal critical thinking, as technology has advanced so has our total dependency on i.e. depend on the technology through shopping online, social media website, and laziness in terms of finding information makes us dependent on technology. Sitting on your laptop and ordering online; is that the way your elders did in the past? During the olden days, we had to travel long distances sometimes to buy some household items. Going a day without our cell phone, laptop, TV; almost impossible isn’t it? Even some people feel lost if they don’t see their phone in their hand they think that they lose someone from their family. It’s because dependence on technology is isolating us from the rest of the world. In the article, “Technology Addiction” which argues on the “loss of independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money” (Hirschhorn, global research). I agree with the fact that technology is making us think less. “Some experts believe excessive use of internet, and cell phones can cause us to become more absent and even more egotistical” (Parker-pope New York times).Whenever I am in college, I always see people on their phone, scrolling down through social media websites. Is that the way our parents taught us to use our time in college? We are just so into other peoples lives that we are not aware of what is going on with ours. However, while we are continuously looking in our cell phone, we are

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