Can you imagine the world without rules or a world without the disciplines of faith, where no one or nothing can stops you of doing whatever you want?- Yes, I can imagine, and it is not the best view that I have ever seen- wars, forces, chaos everywhere, theft. The world where only can live the strong people and the weak dies everywhere. No friendship, no love, no relationship value, no respect even to family members. People cannot go to street because of fear. No truth, only lie and liars everywhere, you do not know whom to believe or with whom share your secrets. No indicator of humanity and love, no evidence of world familiar to us. If there were not any rules that prevents you of doing these bad things, the world would like the same as you read a few seconds ago. As we do not have that bad world it means that there is some kind of collection of rules that shows us how to behave and live. This collection is called religion. As the last and the most perfect religion is Koran we have to accord to it while talking about religion. For me religion is light that protects us from darkness, instructions that show us how it is worth to live, example of civility and power that rules the world. First of all religion is instructions that tells us how a person should live and behave. As Yusuf Islam says. "Islam guides all human beings in daily life in its spiritual, mental and physical dimensions (Yusuf Islam). All religions sent by God were sent just for one reason-to show the people right way to live. Most of the verses and chapters in Koran were sent by Allah to teach and show people how to live, behave, respect and so on. It teaches us not to give up if it is too challenging, not to bunt when everything around goes wrong, not to query when your close people dies, not to hate when others try to crash you. Regardless of anything Koran tells us to pray, show our perseverance, do not fall in despair, struggle for truth and beauty, and never d