SOTERIOLOGY: JUSTIFICATION, SANCTIFICATION, AND GLORIFICATION Introduction Evangelicals usually agree that salvation is considered an event. However, salvation also needs to been seen as a process. The purpose of this paper is to describe aspects of soteriology including justification, sanctification, and glorification, and how they pertain to my life. Summary of Wells' God in the Whirlwind David Wells' God in the Whirlwind is a book about God's character, and how it is defined as holy-love. Wells calls his readers to understand the particular challenges and struggles they will face throughout the book, specifically cultural challenges. Wells' second chapter is called "The Gospel across Time, and aims to show how God's plan of redemption is laid out in the Old and New Testaments. The reader also begins to see how God's plan for salvation reveals his character. The book also shows similarities in God's redemptive plan throughout history. Wells finally turns his focus to God's holy-love in chapters four and five. He argues that there needs to be an understanding that God's character cannot be human experiences, but need to be the revelation of God. Wells describes God's character as holy and loving, and the importance of both characteristics working together. The essence of God's holiness is described as his righteousness, his goodness, and his wrath. The reader also sees the biblical revelation of God's holiness, and in which the way today's cultures shapes our view of God. Wells also argues that Jesus' crucifixion and its meaning reveals God's character, and that Jesus' death on the cross was a marvelous act of substitution and God's holy-love. Wells shifts his focus to where God's love is at the center of the church. He describes three main aspects of church life: sanctification, worship, and service. Wells enlightens his readers what they do think and what they should about sanctification, and that God forms sanctified life. Wells also talks about "worship wars and how the wars focus on the forms of worship instead of what is really important. He argues that content is the real importance, and that content is God. He also says that God's Word needs to be central in worship. Finally, Wells discusses service. He claims that service is the complete opposite of cultural values. Serving is Christ-centered, whereas, cultural values revolve around self-centeredness. God's holy-love calls Christians to serve, and as Wells argues, service is what will give creditability to the Gospel message. Biblical/Theological Analysis Justification and glorification are both part of the ordo salutis. Ordo salutis means order of salvation and is biblically based. In Romans 8:29-30 Paul writes, "For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. And t