
History of Differential Equations

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Differential equations can be thought of as "difference" equations that relate to functions of one or more variables with the derivatives of the function. They contain one or more terms that involve derivatives of a variable with respect to another variable. The solutions that are derived from differential equations are not numbers but functions unlike other mathematical equations. In real life, differential equations are applied in biology, physics, chemistry, economics as well as other areas of natural science. The aim of this paper is to give a history of differential equations. Differential equations trace back to a German mathematician and philosopher called Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz who was busy doing research on mathematical equations and came across an equation, which could not yield a number but another function. This presented huge problems for mathematicians of those days and it lead Isaac Newton to start searching for methods of integrating differential equations (Dieudonné, 1981). Isaac Newton started by classifying differential equations into three categories. The first two categories contained ordinary derivatives of one or more independent variables with respect to a single independent variable and the third category involved partial derivatives of one variable which was dependent on a variable. In 1687, a Swiss mathematician known as James Bernoulli wrote to Von Leibniz requesting he be included into the research of the new analysis of differential equations. But because Von Leibniz had travelled abroad, Bernoulli's letter remained unanswered for the next thirteen years. In 1682, Von Leibniz published a six page paper on differential calculus and two years later he published a paper that contained the rudiments of integral calculus. In the year, 1690, a mathematician known as James Bernoulli published his solution to the problem of the isochrones. The problem of isochrones involved a curve along a body that co

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