Introduction According to Harold Schroeder, relationship building in business is a very crucial ingredient for the success of business, maybe a critical success factor. So in order to maintain and keep up a positive and strong personality and presence, an organisation must create social media marketing roles. Moreover, marketing over social media platforms is considerably reasonable than the traditional marketing techniques. These platforms help organisations reach larger audience at a cheaper price. Business visibility is another main area where social media plays an important role i.e it helps companies to be visible among there targeted audience (Schroeder, 2013) . Branding of a product is preferably done through social media platforms than other forms of marketing because an interesting campaign of a product can assemble as many eyeballs as possible in a single attempt for the number of potential consumers online is huge. Social media marketing also enables organisations to convey a direct consumer relationship so that the client can have a direct interaction with the marketer on different subjects(Schroeder, 2013). In brief, the more the customer engagement, the better is the return on investment for the marketer. It is a very well known fact that social media helps in generating more leads unlike traditional marketing (Hill, P.R., Moran, N. 2011). Social media is that forum which runs on the basis of ‘’word of mouth’’ technique where consumers themselves be a lead generator. If the service or the product is genuinely the best of its kind and if its campaign is attractive then the information of the product will definitely reach to the targeted audience because of the reach of these forums. Social media platforms also help the organisations to analyse their current position in the market by letting them know where they stand(Burmaster, 2009). The possibility of statistics on the consumer engagement through social media will assist organisations to pay more attention on those areas where they lack. It helps to guide a company with the right time to introduce a product, right time to come up with a new campaign, probability of fresh ventures keeping the current market scenario into consideration (Weinberg 2009). Impact Of Social Media Marketing on Businesses Although the importance of social media marketing is recognized, the truth that people don’t query about its real value is indeed an inference to focus on what exactly its value is. The aims of social media marketing is not cannot be only to increase the number of likes, retweets and fans. However, these things are not the end, but leads to the end (Huang et al. 2009). Social media marketing is much more than an online popularity contest and it is high time for the business owners to realize that because the better they understand this, the better they could use social media for their companies. Some of the benefits that social media has towards businesses are :- Boost Brand Awareness One of the benefits of social media marketing is the simplest to remember : Social media is an excellent channel through which a brand can be introduced to people.Since social media is being used widely by the countries and the content spreads virally from one person to another, social media is the perfect channel which would lead a brand to its potential customers(Riegner, 2007) . Researches have been conducted in order to to see how valuable this brand awareness through social media can be. As per the research conducted by Adroit Digital, the reports revealed that product information on social media more than 75 percentage of online Americans and enhances brand loyalty. Furthermore, a research by eMarketer reports that more than 33 percent of consumers mentioned social media as their only way to discover new brands, products and services(Nielsen, 2011). Legitimize a Brand When consumers purchasing online discover a retailer or a business they want to use but have a very little information about often visit the social media of that particular business to know more about it (Burmaster, 2009). That is why social media pages of that business should be continuously updated with fresh comments, posts, offers etc. This is because a website proves existence of a brand where as a social media page proves that a brand is active. Likewise, the quantity of fans indicates how well known a brand is(Burmaster, 2009). Research from Ballihoo found that 63 percent of customers who hunt for local organizations online are more prone to utilize organizations with data on social networking locales (Nielsen, 2011). Increase Sales Eventually, social media marketing should help in the expansion of sales and revenue in order to increase income (Stephen & Galak 2009). There are approaches to utilize social media forums to straightforwardly guide purchasers at the sales channel. Advertisers can utilize content and advertisements to offer their products to target aud